Camden South Family Doctors > News > How a Pathology Test Can Save your Life

How a Pathology Test Can Save your Life

How a Pathology test can aid you and others:

Pathology tests can be used as a simple protocol for a general health check up. They can be used for early detection of diseases. Due to early diagnosis, this can be beneficial to you as it would prevent further possible implications and for your current condition to get worse than it is at the time.

Pathology tests can inform you weather you are infected with a possible contagious or noncontagious disease, an example of an infectious disease could be a bacterial infection and a non-infectious disease could be Kidney disease. It can also inform you a final diagnosis such as an assessment of a biopsy to check if a mole or lesion is a skin cancer. It can help control the effectiveness of treatment for a disease or condition such as assessing the average amount of glucose in the blood over a few months to monitor diabetic control. It can help prevent possible infectious diseases spreading to others from you but also preventing others from spreading those unwanted diseases to you also which is why this test can be significant to not just you but the community.

Interpretation of Results

These tests might be mandatory for you because of the following factors due to 1 or more out of the possible reasons for you are:

– Age and gender
– Current condition and physical findings
– History – Medical, family and social
– Medications
– Occupation
– Ethnicity
– Diet
– Other, diagnostic procedures

Pathology tests can assist a medical diagnosis

Pathology tests are associated with more than 70% of all diagnoses and almost all cancer diagnoses. They can:

– Provide information to confirm or exclude the presence of particular diseases, such as a wound swab to confirm or rule out a bacterial infection.
– Provide a final diagnosis such as an assessment of a biopsy to check if a mole or lesion is a skin cancer.


– Pathology tests are associated with more than 70% of all diagnoses and almost all cancer diagnoses.
– Approximately 20% of pathology tests are requested to monitor and manage the progress of a disease or condition and proved information about how it is likely to progress (prognosis).