As per the current health recommendations or additional policies implemented at the practice, we are implementing social distancing and additional infection control policies as follows:
During your time in at the Practice, we ask that you help us maintain a sanitary environment by:
- Coughing and sneezing directly into your left elbow, or into a tissue which can be immediately disposed of
- Avoiding handshakes, and other unnecessary physical contact
- Inviting you to wash your hands at the practice
- Use the hand sanitiser as provided from the front desk
- Minimising the number of family members/friends that accompany you where possible. A support person during your consultation is always welcome, provided they are not unwell.
Due to the high transmission rate of COVID-19 and the seasonal influenza, we kindly ask that you directly call the practice to speak to our reception staff if you:
- Experience the onset of any flu-like symptoms (coughing, shortness of breath, muscular aches and pains, fever, shortness of breath, headache or sore throat)
- Have been in recent contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
- Have recently returned from overseas travel
If you are unwell or have been asked to enter quarantine or self-isolation, we ask that you notify us immediately on (02) 4655 6571 so we can assist by rescheduling your appointment.